Safe - Unsafe Touch

Chinmaya Vidyalaya recently conducted an informative session on Safe-Unsafe Touch for the students of the Pre-Primary section.

A dedicated special educator led an interactive session to sensitively introduce the concepts of 'Good touch' and 'Bad touch.'

The objective was to provide the children with the knowledge and understanding to differentiate between positive and inappropriate physical contact.

Learners engaged in a series of activities involving giving thumbs up or thumbs down for various situations which made the session engaging and helped the children grasp the concepts in a practical way.

A creative activity was also conducted where learners coloured a worksheet highlighting the private parts of their bodies. It served as a visual aid, reinforcing the importance of recognising and respecting personal boundaries.

The students also created their Safe circle in which they drew and wrote about their trusted adults.

This activity is a crucial step towards creating a nurturing environment and reaffirms the Vidyalaya’s commitment to creating a safe space for all the learners.