Chinmaya Vision Programme (CVP)
The Chinmaya Vision Programme had its formal beginning in June 1996 when it was introduced in Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Coimbatore.
The Chinmaya Vision Programme is what makes the Chinmaya Education Institutions ‘institutions with a difference’. It concretises Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda’s vision of education, and was born to enshrine the philosophy of education developed by Him in the heart of every student to bring out the best in him or her.
If man’s vision is narrow and disturbed, the world also seems filled with strife. If the vision is road and love-filled, so too is his world.
The child is the focal point of this programme. The programme also embraces the school management, teachers and parents. Through them, the light of this vision spreads to the society, country, and the world at large.
This programme has been introduced to representatives of over 2000 schools and colleges till date, and has gone to 20 states of India through more than 500 seminars. It has even crossed the shores of India.

It implies good health and proper growth of students leading to the optimum expression of their overall well-being. It includes physical fitness, nutrition, hygiene, personal grooming, health education, health assessment, prevention of diseases and their treatment.
It aims at making the student an emotionally balanced person. It thereby helps him / her to live in harmony with himself / herself and the world. It includes emotional expansion, handling emotions, handling relationships, gender specific education, mental health assessment and counselling.
Man has infinite intellectual potential. Under this head, CVP aims to help the student manifest his / her inherent intellectual capacities and enhance existing ones. It includes intellectual kindling, independent thinking, management skills, aesthetics, intellectual assessment and guidance.
Man is potentially divine. Spiritual Development enables the student to discover his / her inherent divinity and manifest it. It is achieved through value education, value based education, philosophy, meditation techniques, yoga etc.