"Our Chinmaya Vidyalayas are determined to achieve the three-fold goal of education: vision, spirit of service, and efficiency."
- Swami Tejomayananda
Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda believed the purpose of education is to broaden the mind, along with developing love and pride for the nation and creating a future adult who would be a positive asset for society. He viewed the children as makers of the future, the safekeepers of culture and traditions.
Giving them a healthy safe space for growth, teaching them respect for all living creatures, and inculcating in love and pride for the nation and our cultural heritage, is our primary responsibility.
His vision of education was formalized as Chinmaya Vision Programme which is the guiding light for all Chinmaya Educational Institutions. It makes the Chinmaya institutions as “Institutions With a Difference.”
CVP places the child at the center of all learning efforts and includes the following:
Integrated Development
- It means looking after each aspect of the child’s development and helping them in knowing, understanding, and loving themselves.
- Physical development: Underlines the importance of physical health through hygiene and nutrition. The school includes physical exercises and several sports to ensure proper development of children.
- Mental development: Children need to be able to label and understand their emotions to manage them. Harmony with oneself is essential to be in harmony with others, and this is achieved through emotional balance.
- Intellectual development: Aims at helping children understand their unique intellectual capabilities and enhance them.
- Spiritual development: Aims at helping the children understand their divinity and themselves. Value-education along with spiritual practices like meditation and yoga help the children level up.
Universal Outlook
As the world becomes more and more connected, the need for a universal vision that encompasses the entire world is felt increasingly. Children are encouraged to develop a thinking which isn’t limited by borders.
Indian Culture
Culture is not reflected merely in art forms but also in the way of thinking of a nation or civilization. Indian thought has always been universal, inclusive, and scientific.
India’s ancient texts have defined love and service for the motherland as an essential duty. Inculcating patriotism and national pride in children by educating them about the nation and their duties towards it is a major focus in all Chinmaya Institutions.
Chinmaya Vision Programme enables the Vidyalaya to prepare future global citizens who take pride in their culture while developing a vision that is all-encompassing and takes the entire humanity ahead.