Welcome Back to School

School bells are ringing loud and clear; summer vacations are over and school days are here! Students were warmly welcomed back to school with a plethora of engaging activities to set the tone for an exciting term ahead.

Cartoon characters including Doraemon, Donald Duck, and Panda were there to greet the young learners of Pre-Primary! The children played hopscotch, participated in a pattern walk, and crafted headgear too.

Class V presented a back to school Talent Fiesta, showcasing their skills in dance, song, poems, riddles and jokes!

Class IV had a blast mastering the game “Head, Shoulder, Knees and Grab” while Class III expressed their excitement about returning to school by drawing wonderful smiley faces and sharing them with their friends.

The students of Class II created vibrant and distinctive caterpillars representing their summer favourites.

Class I learners enjoyed the tactile experience of working with paint and created a unique craft through hand-printing activity.

The senior students were welcomed back with an assembly, with Classes VI to XII performing a routine drill including stretching exercises.

The Principal warmly welcomed the students, enlightened them about the discipline rules and regulations, and wished them a great session ahead.

The assembly concluded with the national anthem, setting a positive tone for the upcoming academic year.